Please don't wake me
Okay, lets get real. I suck at mornings. My routine consists of HA what routine? I wish I had more self control, I would start my day like other people do and do my hair and makeup and look super cute, and I would be happy to do it. Then instead of waking up at 8:27 when my last alarm goes off I'd at least be getting up at 8:00 so I'd have a full 30 min to get ready instead of the 3 min I give myself. But I like my sleep. I shower at night so I don't really need to take a ton of time in the mornings anyway right? Well I'm for sure working on this because Its a big weakness of mine but in the mean time I'd like to teach you guys a few tips and tricks for being able to pull together a look in LITERALLY 3 minuets. This goes out to all you fellow sleepy heads. I have love in my heart for you! Tip 1: LAY OUT YOUR CLOTHES THE NIGHT BEFORE. - I'm not great at always physically laying out my clothes BUT before my mind drifts off to dreamland I think about what Im going to wear the next day. I don't spend a ton of time on it, but I do make sure I have a pretty good idea of what I'm going to grab so that its at the very least coordinating. Tip 2: Wear a hat, learn how to do a messy bun or some form of braids. (pretty sure most of you know how to do this. If not never fear below I have posted examples and soon Im hoping to make a video on simple hair styles that take no time at all.) They're simple and fast. Also, cute! Tip 3: If you have no time to do your makeup at home grab lipstick and mascara. Put your mascara on at home and apply lipstick after or right before you get to where your'e going. Both of these applications take seconds to apply and lipstick always pulls everything together! If you're not a lipstick person maybe invest in some tinted gloss or chapstick. Its hydrating for your lips and will give you the same polished look. Well there you have it. 3 tips on how to get out of the house in just a few min...but still look runway ready. Let me know if you try out any of these tips or have great tips of your own! Thanks for reading!